We study hard & play hard! Find out how our quarterly Stammtisch went!

17 November 2012


“Prost!” cheered the attendees as they clunked their mugs of beer together. Gathered on a rainy Saturday evening, TUM/TUM Asia alumni and students got together to enjoy an evening of company with their professors, friends and course mates. This Stammtisch was part of TUM Asia’s 10th Anniversary celebrations, with TUM President, Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann as the Guest-of-Honour for the Stammtisch.

To celebrate the milestone achievement of 10 years in Singapore, there was no better way to mark the occasion than to celebrate over glasses of Bavarian beer. Excited to meet their alma mater’s President and delegation, reservations for a place at the Stammtisch streamed in early, with more than 150 attendees at the event.

The Stammtisch was held in a private section of Paulaner Bräuhaus – the first and only German microbrewery in Singapore. Significantly, TUM is the only school in the world who boasts of its own brewery, and it was of great coincidence that the General Manager of Paulaner Bräuhaus Singapore, Mr Alex Buchner, is a TUM alum as well.

Throughout the night, the hall was filled with endless chatter and conversation as the restaurant was transformed into a multi-cultural exchange of experiences and stories. There were many distinctly different groups of alumni and students present. Some were TUM students on exchange in Singapore, others included TUM/TUM Asia alumni who are working in Singapore and Singaporeans who studied at TUM, as well as TUM Asia students who hail from China, India and Europe.

Our quarterly Stammtischs are a regular affair for any TUM Asia student/alumni/professor. TUM students/alumni are welcome too! The next Stammtisch is scheduled for March 2013. Should you have any enquiries about the upcoming Stammtisch, kindly email us at events@tum-asia.edu.sg.

To see the photos from our recent Stammtisch, you can visit our Facebook page here.


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German Institute of Science & Technology - TUM Asia Pte Ltd
CPE Reg. No. 200105229R | Registration Period 13.06.2023 to 12.06.2029

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