Catered to professionals and individuals seeking specialised learning outcomes, the Executive Education courses at TUM Asia meet the needs for workers in today’s skilled industries. Part-time courses enable the learner to manage both work and educational requirements, while hands-on modules provide the real-world knowledge to accompany classroom concepts.

TUM Asia seeks to combine the best experts from Germany and Singapore to form a unique collaboration that gives the learner an academic journey like no other. A mix of industry and academic experts adds to the industry relevant concepts taught to the students. Approach us for more information about a course or find out more from our variety of course offerings below.

Industry 4.0
Railway Engineering
Business Management
Cyber Physical Factory
Smart Factory
Food Science & Nutrition


TUM Asia has helped me to gain throretical and practical experience in the world of Industrial Automation. I am able to understand Industry 4.0 concepts and how I can integrate smart machines to make a smart factory a reality.

Danny Ker
Valedictorian, Graduate (Specialist Diploma in Advanced Digital Manufacturing
Quality Management, TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd