Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein





Prof. Klein’s (b. 1963) research is based on the analysis and synthesis of process engineering processes. Particular focus is placed on the use of thermal and chemical unit operations of traditional process engineering in power engineering and power plant technology. The research is based on the required thermodynamic substance data models, the design methods of thermal apparatus as well as modeling and simulation.

While studying process engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Prof. Klein spent eighteen months as a Masters student at the chemical engineering department of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After obtaining his doctorate at the University of Stuttgart’s Institute of Chemical Processing Engineering, Prof. Klein embarked on a professional career in 1996. At Linde Engineering, he was responsible for the process engineering design of hydrogen and synthesis gas plants. In 2008, he was appointed full professor of plant and process engineering at TUM.


  1. Cardella U, Decker L, Klein H: “Roadmap to economically viable hydrogen liquefaction”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017; 42(19): 13329-13338.
  2. Hanusch F, Rehfeldt S, Klein H: “Flüssigkeitsmaldistribution in Füllkörperschüttungen: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Einflussparameter”. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 2017; 89(11): 1550-1560.
  3. Sundberg J, Rehfeldt S, Peschel A, Klein H: “Process Optimization of the Methanol Synthesis using different local Optimization Algorithms”. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik. 2017; 89(5): 675-685.
  4. Rarrek A, Mostertz M, Kistenmacher H, Rehfeldt S, Klein H: “Simulation and optimization of large open algae ponds”. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2016; 114: 220-235.
  5. Klein H, Eigenberger G: „Approximate solutions for metallic regenerative heat exchangers”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001; 44(18): 3553-3563.

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