Featuring the Head of the Chair of the Analytical Food Chemistry of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Prof. Rychlik will be discussing vitamin groups of folates (B6), pyridoxin (B9), and cobalamins (B12) and the novel analytical methods that have been developed. All of them are based on using stable isotope-labelled internal analogues of the analytes as internal standards for LC-MS/MS. These so-called stable isotope dilution assays (SIDAs) have been applied to various foods. For each vitamin group, significant sources to cover the recommended daily intakes (RDIs) will be presented. Moreover, the new SIDAs revealed novel vitamers and novel information on the distributions of vitamers in each group, which may affect bioavailabilities and efficiencies of supply. These aspects will also be discussed in the presentation.
Join us to find out more.
DATE: 23 November 2023, Thursday
TIME: 4pm – 5pm SGT (GMT +8)