TUM Asia took the next bold step, offering the first TUM-only master’s degree programme in Transport and Logistics – underscoring its commitment to delivering a world-class learning experience for students beyond Europe. At the same time, TUM Asia launched the joint Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering with the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore.

With TUM firmly entrenched in the Asian market, TUM Asia became the ideal base for the German university to pioneer new advances and exchange of knowledge in science and technology. The turn of the decade became the acceleration of scientific cooperation and development.

“The unique approach that TUM Asia offers to students and companies alike has led to a plethora of development opportunities for young Asian talents. The future of our industry will be decided in Asia. Establishing a relevant network with trusted partners like TUM Asia to draw talents from is a must for western multinational companies. Since its inception, a magnitude of talents has been developed with a high level of loyalty and commitment to their companies once employed. All enterprises which I have been working for since the establishment of TUM Asia in 2002 have chosen to engage with TUM Asia out of that very reason and it will continue to stay that way,” 

Dr. Christian Kohlpaintner
Member of the Executive Committee

© 2024 Technische Universität München Asia
German Institute of Science & Technology - TUM Asia Pte Ltd
CPE Reg. No. 200105229R | Registration Period 13.06.2023 to 12.06.2029

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