电话 | +65 6777 7407 |
传真 | +65 6777 7236 |
硕士课程 | graduate@tum-asia.edu.sg |
本科课程 | undergraduate@tum-asia.edu.sg |
招生部门 | admission@tum-asia.edu.sg |
职业教育培训与发展 | exd@tum-asia.edu.sg |
SIT@SP Building (Singapore Institute of Technology @ Singapore Polytechnic)
510 Dover Road #05-01 Singapore 139660
办公室工作时间为星期一至星期五,09:00 AM 至 06:00 PM
TUM Asia is recognized by the Ministry of Education as an Institute of Higher Learning & is registered with the Council of Private Education (PEI Registration Number: 200105229R / Registration Period: 13.06.2023 – 12.06.2029). TUM Asia is exempted from the requirement of Edutrust certification.