Prof. Dr. habil. Jörg Schulze
Prof. Schulze studied experimental physics at the TU of Braunschweig, Germany. In 2000 he received the Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering from the Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Faculty of the University of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich with a dissertation on Boron surface phases and Esaki-like tunneling transistors. From the same faculty he received in 2004 his post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) in Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics. He was active as Senior Consultant for Technical Risk Management and as Head of Competence Field “Robust Design Optimization” in Siemens Corporate Technology (2005-2008). Since 2008 he is working at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, as Professor of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Institute of Semiconductor Engineering.
- Prof. Schulzes main interests are directed to Group-IV-based heteroepitaxy, advanced MOS and bipolar devices technology, photonic and plasmonic device concepts for integrated photonic circuitry, quantum electronics and spintronics.
- For projects, please visit the web-site of the Institute of Semiconductor Engineering of University of Stuttgart (www.iht.uni-stuttgart.de).
- “Quantum Computation aus algorithmischer Sicht“, T. F. Sturm, J. Schulze, Oldenbourg-Verlag 2009 (ISBN: 978-3-486-58914-6).
- “Konzepte Silizium-basierter MOS-Bauelemente“, J. Schulze, Springer-Verlag 2005 (ISBN: 3-540-23437-3).
- “Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy“ in „Silicon: Evolution and Future of a Technology” (Editoren: E. F. Krimmel / P. Siffert) I. Eisele, J. Schulze, E. Kasper, Springer-Verlag 2004, Seiten 95ff.
- “GeSn-on-Si normal incidence photodetectors with bandwidths more than 40 GHz” M. Oehme, K. Kostecki, K. Ye, S. Bechler, K. Ulbricht, M. Kaschel, M. Gollhofer, R. Körner, W. Zhang, E. Kasper, J. Schulze, Optics Express Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 839-846 (2014).
- “GeSn heterojunction LEDs on Si substrates” M. Oehme, K. Kostecki, T. Arguirov, G. Mussler, K. Ye, M. Gollhofer, M. Schmid, M. Kaschel, R. Körner, M. Kittler, D. Buca, E. Kasper, J. Schulze, IEEE Phot. Techn. Lett., Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 187-189 (2014).
- “Epitaxial growth of highly compressively strained GeSn alloys up to 12.5 % Sn” M. Oehme, D. Buca, K. Kostecki, S. Wirths, B. Holländer, E. Kasper, J. Schulze, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 384, pp. 71 – 76 (2013).
- “Mn5Ge3C0.8 Contacts for Spin Injection Into Ge” I. Fischer, C. Sürgers, M. Petit, V. Le Thanh, J. Schulze, ULSI Process Integration 8, Issue of ECS Transactions (ECST) from 224th ECS Meeting.