Nurhidayah Basri

For Hidayah, her experience at TUM Asia has transformed the way she views the classroom. In her words “There was never a dull moment in the classroom. My classmates came from all over the world, be it from Europe, China, India, Singapore or other Asian countries. I learnt to be culture sensitive & became open to cross cultural ideas in our projects, which made the learning process extremely enriching.”

Hidayah first came across TUM Asia’s Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry programme when she was on a personal search for a unique graduate degree. It was the unique combination of a German Singapore degree that caught her attention, and particularly the rich academic record of the Technische Universität München that fascinated her.

The broad-based education in the programme really allowed her to broaden her horizons both academically and in her career. One defining moment of her time at TUM Asia was the time she spent in Frankfurt, Germany where she conducted her Master Thesis work & Internship at Clariant. Besides learning German on the go, she also picked up many life skills that would never be taught in the classroom. “Until now, I still apply them in the workplace and the adaptability I have picked up during my time in Frankfurt has shaped me to be a better person.”