- DFG He 3454/9-2 (2009-2011; € 279’300); Chemical functionalities of size-selected clusters.
- DFG 3454/10-1 (2008-2010; € 187’600); Highly sensitive infrared studies on supported metal cluster adsorbates by IR-CRDS.
- DFG He3454/16-1 EU-Project Euroscores-FANAS, NOMICS (2008-2010; € 383’160); Nanomanipulation of metallic clusters on insulating surfaces.
- Deutsch-Französische Hochschule, G2R-FA-31-07 (2008-2012; € 279’460); Photochemische Eigenschaften von Nanostrukturen.
- International Graduate Schoool of Sustainable Energy (Begin June 2009-2012; € 100’000); Molecular understanding of the steam reforming of acetic and formic acid.
- ERC-Advanced Grant; No 246645 – ASC3 (2010-2015; € 2’301’600); Asymmetric Cluster Chemistry and Catalysis.
- S. Crampton, M.D. Rötzer, C.J. Ridge, F.F. Schweinberger, U. Heiz, B. Yoon, U. Landman, “Structure sensitivity in the non-scalable regime explored via catalysed ethylene hydrogenation on supported platinum nanoclusters”, Nature Comm., 10389 (2016).
- S. Crampton, M.D. Rötzer, F.F. Schweinberger, B. Yoon, U. Landman, U. Heiz, “Controlling Ethylene Hydrogenation Reactivity on Pt13 Clusters by Varying the Stoichiometry of the Amorphous Silica Support”, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 55, 8953 (2016).
- Wieghold, J. Li, S. Patrick; M. Krause, Y. Avlasevich, C. Li, J. Garrido, U. Heiz, P. Samorì, K. Müllen, F. Esch, J.V. Barth, C.A. Palma, “Photoresponse of supramolecular self-assembled networks on graphene–diamond interfaces”, Nature Comm., 10700 (2016).
- Wettergren, F.F. Schweinberger, D. Deiana, C.J. Ridge, A.S. Crampton, M. Rötzer, T.W. Hansen, V. Zhdanov, U. Heiz, C. Langhammer, “High Sintering Resistance of Size-Selected Platinum Cluster Catalysts by Suppressed Ostwald Ripening”, Nano Letters 14, 5803 (2014).
- Thämer, A. Kartouzian, P. Heister, T. Lünskens, S. Gerlach, U. Heiz, “Small Supported Plasmonic Silver Clusters”, Small 10, 2340 (2014).
- Nesselberger, M. Roefzaad, H.R. Fayçal, U.P. Biedermann, F.F. Schweinberger, S. Kunz, K. Schloegl, G.K.H. Wiberg, S. Ashton, U. Heiz, K.J.J. Mayrhofer, M. Arenz, “The effect of particle proximity on the oxygen reduction rate of size-selected platinum clusters”, Nature Mat., 12, 919 (2013).
- F. Schweinberger, M.J. Berr, M. Döblinger, C. Wolff, K.E. Sanwald, A.S. Crampton, C.J. Ridge, F. Jäckel, J. Feldmann, M. Tschurl, U. Heiz, “Cluster size effects in the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135,13262 (2013).
- Moseler, M. Walter, B. Yoon, U. Landman, V. Habibpour, C. Harding, S. Kunz, U. Heiz, “Oxidation State and Symmetry of Magnesia supported Pd13Ox Nanocatalysts influence Activation Barriers of CO Oxidation”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 7690 (2012).
- Yoon, H. Haekkinen, U. Landman, A.S. Woerz, J.-M. Antonietti, S. Abbet, K. Judai, U. Heiz, “Charging Effects on Bonding and Catalyzed Oxidation of CO on Au8 Clusters on MgO”, Science, 307, 403 (2005).
- Sanchez, S. Abbet, U. Heiz, W.D. Schneider, H. Haekkinen, R.N. Barnett, U. Landman, “When Gold Is Not Noble: Nanoscale Gold Catalysts”, J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 9573 (1999).