Prof. Dr. Ulrich Boesl


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Boesl


Prof. Ulrich Boesl has invited contributions in encyclopaedias on spectroscopy, chemical and environmental analysis and has over 150 peer-reviewed papers in journals of physical and analytical chemistry.


  • Spectroscopy of fast ion beams, molecular spectroscopy in supersonic gas beams
  • Dissociation spectroscopy of small molecular ions
  • Resonant multi-photon ionization of molecules
  • Molecular anion photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy
  • Laser evaporation and ionization of large fragile molecules
  • Analysis of polycyclic aromatic compounds in soil with laser mass spectrometry
  • Fast analysis of air pollutants by laser mass spectrometry
  • On-line analysis of organic compounds in the emission of waste incinerators
  • Fast on-line analysis of NOx, NH3 etc. of Diesel- and Otto-engines at test facilities
  • Dynamic detection of traces of motor oil in the exhaust of combustion engines°
  • Development of new methods in time-of-flight mass spectrometry°
  • Mass selective laser spectroscopy of chiral molecules°
  • Asymmetric cluster catalysis and chemistry°


  1. Multiphoton Excitation and Mass Selective Ion Detection For Neutral and Ion Spectroscopy (invited Feature article) U.Boesl, J. Phys. Chem., 95 (1991) 2949.
  2. Negative Ions, Photoelectrons and Mass Separation, U.Boesl, W.Knott, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 17 (1998) 275.
  3. Multiphoton Excitation in Mass Spectrometry, U. Boesl, in “Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry“ ed. J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter, J.L. Holmes, (Academic Press 1999) 1411-1424.
  4. Laser Mass Spectrometry in Trace Analysis, in “Encyclopedia of Chemical Analysis“ ed. R.A. Meyers U. Boesl, H.J.Heger, R.Zimmermann, P.K.Püffel, H. Nagel, (Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2000) 2087-2118.
  5. Time-resolved chemical analysis by laser mass spectrometry: Monitoring of in-cylinder and catalytic-converter processes of combustion engines, U.Boesl, R.Weishäupl, W.Thiel, P.Püffel, R.Frey, SAE Tech. Paper Ser. 2005-01-0679.
  6. A new approach for fast, simultaneous NO/NO2 analysis: application of basic features of multiphoton- ionization and dissociation of NOx, A. Bornschlegl, R. Weishaeupl, U. Boesl, Anal Bioanal Chem 384 (2006) 161–168.
  7. Circular Dichroism Laser Mass Spectrometry (CD-LAMS): Differentiation of the enantiomers of 3- Methylcyclopentanone, U. Boesl, A. Bornschlegl, Chem Phys Chem, 7 (2006) 2085 – 2087.
  8. Anion Photoelectron, Photodetachment, and Infrared Dissociation Spectra of Cl¯–C6H6 M. Tschurl, Ch. Ueberfluss, U. Boesl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 439 (2007) 23–28.
  9. IR-photodissociation and photodetachment spectroscopy of Cl¯·(NH3)x (IR: x=1-4, PD: x=1) M. Tschurl, U. Boesl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 456 (2008) 150 – 155.
  10. The weakly bound complex Cl·N2O studied by high resolution photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy U. Boesl, V. Distelrath, H. Selzle, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 10 (2008) 6252–6257.
  11. Twin mass peak ion source for comparative mass spectrometry: Application to circular dichroism laser MS Ch. Logé, A. Bornschlegl, U. Boesl, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2009) 281 (2009) 134-139.
  12. Photodetachment-photoelectron spectroscopy of HS¯•H2S and DS¯•D2S: The transition states of the SH+H2S and SD+D2S reactions, M. Entfellner, D. Opalka, U. Boesl, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 9034.
  13. Mass-Selective Chiral Analysis, (invited article) U. Boesl, A. Kartouzian, Annual Rev. Anal. Chem. 9 (2016) 343-364.
  14. ime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: Introduction to the basics (tutorial, invited article) U. Boesl, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 36 (2017) 86 – 109.