Prof. Ulrich Boesl has invited contributions in encyclopaedias on spectroscopy, chemical and environmental analysis and has over 150 peer-reviewed papers in journals of physical and analytical chemistry.
- Spectroscopy of fast ion beams, molecular spectroscopy in supersonic gas beams
- Dissociation spectroscopy of small molecular ions
- Resonant multi-photon ionization of molecules
- Molecular anion photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy
- Laser evaporation and ionization of large fragile molecules
- Analysis of polycyclic aromatic compounds in soil with laser mass spectrometry
- Fast analysis of air pollutants by laser mass spectrometry
- On-line analysis of organic compounds in the emission of waste incinerators
- Fast on-line analysis of NOx, NH3 etc. of Diesel- and Otto-engines at test facilities
- Dynamic detection of traces of motor oil in the exhaust of combustion engines°
- Development of new methods in time-of-flight mass spectrometry°
- Mass selective laser spectroscopy of chiral molecules°
- Asymmetric cluster catalysis and chemistry°
- Multiphoton Excitation and Mass Selective Ion Detection For Neutral and Ion Spectroscopy (invited Feature article) U.Boesl, J. Phys. Chem., 95 (1991) 2949.
- Negative Ions, Photoelectrons and Mass Separation, U.Boesl, W.Knott, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 17 (1998) 275.
- Multiphoton Excitation in Mass Spectrometry, U. Boesl, in “Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry“ ed. J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter, J.L. Holmes, (Academic Press 1999) 1411-1424.
- Laser Mass Spectrometry in Trace Analysis, in “Encyclopedia of Chemical Analysis“ ed. R.A. Meyers U. Boesl, H.J.Heger, R.Zimmermann, P.K.Püffel, H. Nagel, (Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2000) 2087-2118.
- Time-resolved chemical analysis by laser mass spectrometry: Monitoring of in-cylinder and catalytic-converter processes of combustion engines, U.Boesl, R.Weishäupl, W.Thiel, P.Püffel, R.Frey, SAE Tech. Paper Ser. 2005-01-0679.
- A new approach for fast, simultaneous NO/NO2 analysis: application of basic features of multiphoton- ionization and dissociation of NOx, A. Bornschlegl, R. Weishaeupl, U. Boesl, Anal Bioanal Chem 384 (2006) 161–168.
- Circular Dichroism Laser Mass Spectrometry (CD-LAMS): Differentiation of the enantiomers of 3- Methylcyclopentanone, U. Boesl, A. Bornschlegl, Chem Phys Chem, 7 (2006) 2085 – 2087.
- Anion Photoelectron, Photodetachment, and Infrared Dissociation Spectra of Cl¯–C6H6 M. Tschurl, Ch. Ueberfluss, U. Boesl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 439 (2007) 23–28.
- IR-photodissociation and photodetachment spectroscopy of Cl¯·(NH3)x (IR: x=1-4, PD: x=1) M. Tschurl, U. Boesl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 456 (2008) 150 – 155.
- The weakly bound complex Cl·N2O studied by high resolution photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy U. Boesl, V. Distelrath, H. Selzle, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 10 (2008) 6252–6257.
- Twin mass peak ion source for comparative mass spectrometry: Application to circular dichroism laser MS Ch. Logé, A. Bornschlegl, U. Boesl, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2009) 281 (2009) 134-139.
- Photodetachment-photoelectron spectroscopy of HS¯•H2S and DS¯•D2S: The transition states of the SH+H2S and SD+D2S reactions, M. Entfellner, D. Opalka, U. Boesl, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 9034.
- Mass-Selective Chiral Analysis, (invited article) U. Boesl, A. Kartouzian, Annual Rev. Anal. Chem. 9 (2016) 343-364.
- ime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: Introduction to the basics (tutorial, invited article) U. Boesl, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 36 (2017) 86 – 109.