Prof. Buss studied electrical engineering at TH Darmstadt and was awarded a doctorate at the University of Tokyo (1994). In 2000, he completed his lecturer qualification at TUM and was appointed to the Chair of Control Systems at TU Berlin. He has been full professor of control technology at TUM since 2003.
Professor Buss researches methods in control and system theory, in particular hybrid (discrete/continuous), switching, nonlinear dynamic systems for use in mechatronics, robotics, medical technology, communication technology, telepresence systems, teleaction systems and man-machine systems.
- Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (2011)
- ICMA 2009 – Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics (2009)
- Shakey – Most Innovative Video Award“, (2009)
- Best Journal Paper Award, at–Automatisierungstechnik (2006)
- Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award, American Control Conference (ACC) (2001)
- Donner P, Christange F, Lu J, Buss M: “Cooperative Dynamic Manipulation of Unknown Flexible Objects”. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2017; 9(4): 575-599. Abstract
- Kersting S, Buss M: “Direct and Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Control for Multivariable Piecewise Affine Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2017; 62(11): 5634-5649. Abstract
- Buss M, Schroeder D: “Intelligente Verfahren. Identifikation und Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme”. Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2. ed., 2017. Abstract
- Jenke R, Peer A, Buss M: “Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from EEG”. IEEE Transactions of Affective Computing. 2014; 5(3): 327-339. Abstract
- Papageorgiou M, Leibold M, Buss M: Optimierung. Statische, dynamische, stochastische Verfahren für die Anwendung. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg, 3. ed., 2012. Abstract