Dr. Lei Lei


PhD in Chemistry

Dr. Lei Lei


Dr. Lei Lei finished her Ph.D. at Technical University of Munich Germany with “Summa cum laude” (passed with the highest distinction) in April 2016. Since February 2018 She has started her habilitation at Technical University of Munich, Germany. Currently an official faculty member at chemistry department, TUM, PhD supervisor.


  • Inorganic binders and organic admixtures
  • Novel functional polymeric materials such as polycarboxylate superplasticizers, accelerators, defoamers.


  1. L. Lei, J. Plank
    “Synthesis and Properties of a Vinyl Ether-Based Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer for Concrete Possessing Clay Tolerance”
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (3), (2014) 1048–1055.
  2.  L. Lei, J. Plank
    “A Study on the Impact of Different Clay Minerals on the Dispersing Force of Conventional and Modified Vinyl Ether Based Polycarboxylate Superplasticizers”
    Cement and Concrete Research, 60 (2014) 1-10.
  3. L. Lei, M. R. Meier, A. Rinkenburger, B. Zheng, L. Fu, J. Plank
    “Early Hydration of Portland Cement Admixed with Polycarboxylates Under Microgravity Conditions”
    Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 14(3), (2016) 102-107.
  4. L. Lei, J. Plank
    “A Simplified Preparation Method for PCEs Involving Macroradicals”
    in: V. M. Malhotra (Ed.), 11th International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete (CANMET/ACI), July 12-15, 2015, Ottawa (ON / Canada), Proceedings, SP-302-12, 155 – 168.
  5. A. Lange, L. Lei, J. Plank
    “Cement Compatibility of PCE Superplasticizers”
    14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC), October 13-16, 2015, Beijing, China.
  6. S. Baueregger, L. Lei, M. Perello, J. Plank
    “Use of a Nano Clay for Early Strength Enhancement of Portland Cement”
    5th International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction (NICOM5), May 24-26, 2015, Chicago (USA). Proceedings, 199–206.
  7. L. Lei, J. Plank
    “Synthesis, Working Mechanism and Effectiveness of a Novel Cycloaliphatic Superplasticizer for Concrete”
    Cement and Concrete Research, 42 (2012)118-123.
  8. L. Lei, J. Plank,
    “A Concept for a Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Possessing Enhanced Clay Tolerance” Cement and Concrete Research, 42(2012)1299-1306
  9. L. Lei, J. Plank,
    “Synthesis, Properties and Evaluation of a More Clay Tolerant Polycarboxylate Possesing Hydroxy Alkyl Graft Chains”, in: P. Veillette (Ed.), 10th CANMET/ACI Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete (Supplementary Papers), ACI, Prague, 2012, 1 – 20.