Dr.- Ing Josef Biba


Dr.- Ing Josef Biba


Dr. Josef Biba is currently working on his habilitation at the Institute of Physics at the University of the German Federal Armed Forces, Munich. He specializes in the areas of semiconductor technology, devices and security on chips.He studied electrical engineering at TUM and received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in 2008. During his studies, he worked for Infineon Technologies AG in the field of communication assembly and interconnect technology analytics. 

In 2012, he finished his PhD at the University of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich. The thesis is dealing with the development of high-k metal-gate CMOS transistors and the characterization of physical effects due to new gate materials.

Since 2013, he is working as the scientific laboratory supervisor and is responsible for the cleanrooms and measurement labs of the institute. This includes quality management and reliability of the manufactured devices. Furthermore, he oversees the industrial projects in the cleanroom of the institute.

From 2012 on, he gives lectures about “Semiconductor Technology” and “Advanced MOSFETs and Novel Devices”. He built up a lab course for Master’s students in which the students are fabricating their own MOSFETs. Another lab course is dealing with statistical process control and design of experiments.

Since 2013, he is in charge for the lecture “Advanced MOSFETs and Novel Devices” at TUM Asia in Singapore.

An important aspect of his scientific engagement is the education of students. Therefore, he is continuously supervising Bachelor and Master theses.


  • Advanced CMOS-Technology
  • Future and Novel Devices
  • Security on Chip
  • Measurement Systems
  • Reliability of Semiconductor Devices