Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner


Johannes Fottner’s (b. 1971) research work focuses on several central topics of technical logistics, especially new technical solutions and systems approaches to improve logistical processes, including the control and optimization of material flow processes using innovative identification technologies (RFID), the development of logistics planning based on digital tools, and the role of humans within logistics. Fottner places a special emphasis on practical applications of scientific knowledge, especially in small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), for which the chair runs the Logistics Innovation Center (liz) and the RFID Application Center Munich (RFID-AZM) at TUM.

Fottner studied mechanical engineering at TUM and received his PhD at the same university in the field of materials handling, material flow and logistics. From 2002 to 2008, he held a number of managerial positions at the Swisslog Group. In 2008, he took over as managing director of the MIAS Group. Fottner holds the Bavarian state chair and deputy national chair of the Society for Production and Logistics at the Association of German Engineers (VDI). In 2016, he was appointed professor of logistics engineering at TUM.


  • Rudolf Schmidt-Burkhardt Memorial Prize, TUM Department for Mechanical Engineering, TUM (2003)


  • Bortolamasi M, Fottner J: „Design and Sizing of Screw Feeders“. University Modena, Begleitband der Fachtagung powtech 2001; Nürnberg.
  • Fottner J, Kerscher T: „Modelling and control of Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for the transport of meals, Laundry and waste in the healthcare domain“. European Research project ACODUASIS. 2006.
  • Fottner J, Kennerknecht W, Ott St: „Hochdynamische Regalbediengeräte in lärmsensitiven Bereichen“. Begleitband zum VDI-Materialflusskongress. 2015; Düsseldorf.