Dr. Zheng Yuanjin received his B.Eng. from Xi’an Jiaotong University, P. R. China in 1993, M. Eng. from Xi’an Jiaotong University, P. R. China in 1996, and Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2001. From July 1996 to April 1998, he worked at the National Key Lab of Optical Communication Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He joined the Institute of Microelectronics, A*SATAR on 2001 as a senior research engineer, and then promoted to a principle investigator and group leader for wideband RFIC design group. Here, he has leaded and developed various CMOS RF transceivers and baseband SoC for WLAN, WCDMA, Ultra-wideband, and low power medical radio etc. Since July, 2009, he joined Nanyang Technological University. He has been working on electromagnetic and acoustics physics and devices, biomedical imaging especially photoacoustics / thermoacoustics imaging and 3D imaging, energy harvesting circuits and systems etc..
Dr. Zheng is an internationally well-recognized researcher on UWB and Radar transceiver IC. He has pioneered on Ultra-wideband transceiver (UWB) IC research, published world first paper of UWB pulse generator IC paper and second most cited paper of UWB transceiver IC. He has consistently published at ISSCC (the word top conference and land marker in the area of solid state circuits), keeping the record of the first and most ISSCC papers (7) published in Singapore. Dr. Zheng has published more than 280 journal and conference papers, 22 patents filed/granted and 5 book chapters. He served as session chairs and TPC chairs/members for several international conferences. He has successfully leaded and contributed numerous public funded research and industry projects. He was accredited excellent thesis award, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., 2006, Ahmed Elsaify Memorial Award for Best Paper at IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, Singapore, 2010. He was finalist of best paper award IMS-S, and IEE TSS design competition merit award winner.
Dr. Zheng is active on the service for research community both internally and externally. He serves as Program Directors: VIRTUS IC Design of Excellence, NTU and VALENS Centre of Excellence for Bio-Instrumentation, Devices and Signal Processing, NTU. He is currently an associate editor of Journal of Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Journal of X-Acoustics: Sensing and Imaging, and IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuit and Systems. He has been organizing over 10 conferences as TPC and session chairs, and has delivered over 20 invited talks at international conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE and member of SID and SPIE.