Managing the Master Thesis with Success: Workshop

Master Thesis Workshop-02

The Master Thesis is an important 6 month research project required during your studies at TUM Asia. While completing the Master Thesis, various questions might come to your mind: How should I define the goal of my Master Thesis, how do I structure the Master Thesis, which method should I choose to execute it, how do I organize the Master Thesis, where do I find the necessary literature, etc.?

During this lecture, you will gain a better understanding on important things to take note of, tips on writing, and how to ideally manage and develop a Master Thesis. Furthermore, you are also encouraged to bring your existing Master Thesis and seek feedback for improvement. This lecture is open to all master students of TUM Asia.

Venue: SIT@SP, Level 5 SR5G*
Session 1: 18th May (Monday), 2PM – 6PM
Session 2: 22nd May (Friday), 2PM – 6PM
Register here today:

Christian Kille is a full professor of Trade Logistics and Operations Management at the University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt. In addition to teaching at the university and its MBA programme, he is also a lecturer at Technische Universität München (TUM) and guest lecturer of the Transport and Logistics Master Programme at TUM Asia. In the field of logistics, he has worked in fields such as logistics market analysis. He is also the author of the standard work on the logistics market “The Top 100 of Logistics” and has a broad network of companies and institutions of logistics. Besides that, he also participates in various research projects, especially on e-commerce logistics. With his past experience in supervising over 100 theses, he brings with him valuable knowledge on conducting a Master Thesis.