Railway Safety Workshop

Railway Safety Workshop

2 Days

Establishing railway safety is about processes and rules. This training programme aims to help participants understand the process of achieving and maintaining safety from the perspective of suppliers as well as operators.

One of the best-known high-level processes is the so-called V-Cycle, as can be seen in the figure below which can be found in several forms all over the world like the IEC 60126 – 60129.

The training will give an overview of the nine major phases of the V-Cycle and the role of LTA within the phases. The processes of verification and validation will be explained from a theoretical and practical point of view.

The training will then concentrate and specialise on the phases that are important for LTA representatives. Major contributions of an operator usually are within Phase 1 to 4, which comprises for example hazard and risk analysis. Case studies will deepen the understanding of it. In the later phases, the operator is more deeply involved in phase 8 and 9. Yet there are important and small roles for an operator within phases 5 to 7.

Some of the underlying Hard-and Software design principles and a basic understanding of processes along the V-model will be discussed.

Over the course of 2 days, the training will comprise the process of Common Safety Methods, an easy to learn method for assessing all kind of changes that could be safety relevant. Case studies will deepen the understanding of these methods.

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