HOW CAN INDUSTRIE 4.0 BENEFIT SINGAPORE: First Industrie 4.0 Summer School In Singapore

09 April 2018

Industrie 4.0 (Industry 4.0), a term which was coined in Germany, has been widely discussed as the 4th Industrial Revolution for themanufacturing industry worldwide. Researchers and experts have predicted that for the next decade, Industry 4.0 could boost productivity in the manufacturing sector. As Singapore continues to push forward to keep up with the trends in the industry, Singapore is also tackling challenges with increasing labour costs, stagnant productivity and a slow global economy. The opportunities from Industry 4.0 would bring about changes to the industry in Singapore and lead to a revitalization of the manufacturing industry.

TUM Asia has played a supporting role in meeting the industry needs of Singapore through a holistic education. As Industry 4.0 will continue to be a hot topic in Singapore, TUM Asia has continued to support the presence of Industry 4.0 through platforms that encourage the exchange of views, experiences, and knowledge in Industry 4.0.

This led to the inception of the first Industry 4.0 Summer School in Singapore. The 5 day programme, held in 2017, comprised of a series of lectures, case studies and discussions conducted and facilitated by leading faculties in the “Industrie 4.0” domain from the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Over 30 participants attended the Summer School and they were able to gain an in-depth understanding of the various technical aspects and social-technical impact of Industrie 4.0.

This article was published in the DIGEST Sept – Dec 2017 issue >>


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