Li Xiahan
Traffic Engineer
Master of Science in Rail, Transport and Logistics
TUM Asia
Li Xiahan is a Traffic Engineer of the PUDO (Pick Up and Drop Off) Project team at Technical University of Munich Asia.
Xiahan received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2018, and he worked as a Research and development Engineer at Winning Health Technology Group. Xiahan studied in Master of Science in Rail, Transport and Logistics program in Technical University of Munich from July 2019, and he joined DART (Dynamic Autonomous Road Transit) Project at TUMCREATE as a student assistant since September 2019. After Xiahan Graduate from the Technical University of Munich in 2021, he joined the PUDO (Pick Up and Drop Off) Project as a Traffic Engineer, and his specialization includes Autonomous Vehicle Simulation, Plan and Control of the Autonomous Vehicle, Software Engineering and Cloud Engineering, etc.