Assoc. Prof. Wong Kin Shun, Terence
(+65) 6790 6401
Assoc. Prof. Wong Kin Shun Terence received the BA(First Class) and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Cambridge University in 1987 and 1992 respectively. He joined NTU in 1994 and is presently a tenured associate professor in the microelectronics division of the School of EEE. His research interests are mainly in organic electronics, silicon nanoelectronic devices, characterization and interconnects. This work had been supported by several research grants. He has published in leading international journals and is author of one book chapter. His teaching profile includes EE6604 (advanced semiconductor devices) and EE6808 (Display technologies). He is a senior member of the IEEE and chartered physicist of the Institute of Physics. Since 2006, he has been a member of the Gerson Lehrman Technology council, a consuting firm in Austin, Texas. His full biography can be found in the Marquis Who’s who in Science and Engineering, 2008-09.
- Organic electronics: organic light emitting diodes; organic photovoltaic devices, printing processes for large area electronics.
- Silicon nanoelectronics: mechanisms of local strained silicon devices; measurement of biaxial stressed silicon.
- Characterisation techniques: use of synchrotron x-ray scattering to characterize the structural properties of electronic materials.
- Interconnects: deposition of low-k dielectrics and material property characterization; sol-gel synthesis of dielectrics; high frequency measurement and modeling Cu/low-k interconnects.
His current research focus is on organic electronics and silicon nanoelectronics.
- T.K.S. Wong, R. Kumar, S.C. Rustagi. (2009). Wide band (0.05-40GHz) characterization and signal propagation in Cu-porous MSQ interconnects. Microelectronic Engineering, 86(7), 1918-1929.
- T.K.S. Wong, Y. Gong, P. Yang, C.M. Ng. (2007). Characterization of biaxial stressed silicon by spectroscopic ellipsometry and synchrotron x-ray scattering. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 22, 1232-1239.
- R. Kumar, K. Kang, S.C. Rustagi, K. Mouthaan, T.K.S. Wong. (2007). SPICE compatible modelling of on-chip coupled interconnects. Electronics Letters, .
- R. Kumar, S.C. Rustagi, K. Kang, T.K.S. Wong, K. Mouthaan. (2007). Characterization and modeling of CMOS on-chip coupled interconnects. ESSEDEC 2007.
- T.K.S. Wong. (2007). Electrophosphorescent organic light emitting diodes: device physics, materials and applicationsHandbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics. United States: American Scientific Publishers.