Apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Stemmer
Prof. Stemmer studied aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart followed by a PhD 2001 at the same institution. Receiving a two-year postdoctoral grant, he went to the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University and NASA Ames Reseach Center. 2003 he switched to the Technical University of Dresden for two years before coming to TUM in 2005. After his habilitation 2011, he worked at TUM as an Adjunct Teaching Professor. Prof. Stemmer was appointed TUM Adjunct Professor in the field of high-speed aerodynamics in 2019.
- NATO Science and Technology Organization: AVT Panel Excellence Award (2020)
- Ulrich, Friedrich; Sedlmeyr, Thomas; Stemmer, Christian: Methods for neural network based prediction of roughness-induced crossflow-like vorticity in re-entry scenarios. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 107, 2024, 109375
- Chiapparino, Giuseppe; Stemmer, Christian: Numerical investigation of a Mach 6 laminar shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction on a two-dimensional ramp with 3D controlled surface roughness. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 103, 2023, 109193
- C.Stemmer, N.A.Adams, R.Radespiel, T.Sattelmayer, W.Schröder, B.Weigand: Annual Report 2012 of the SFBTRR40 “Technological technologies for the Development of future space-transportation systems under high thermal and mechanical loads”, 2012.
- C.Stemmer, N.A.Adams, S.Hein, W.Schröder, M.Meinke, H.Olivier, R.Radespiel, D.Heitmann, Experimental and numerical investigation of hypersonic instabilities in a boundary layer on a capsule with and without high-temperature gas effects. RTO-AVT 200 Specialists Meeting on “Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition”, April 16-19, 2012, San Diego, USA.
- C.Stemmer, Untersuchungen zur Instabiliät hypersonischer Grenzschichten unter Berücksichtigung von Hochtemperatureffekten. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:91-diss-20110711-1098723-1-5 . Habilitationsschrift TU München, 2012.