Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander Hübner
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Alexander Hübner (born 1978) is Full Professor of Business Administration at TUM where he holds the Chair of Supply and Value Chain Management at the TUM Campus Straubing. His research focuses on the design of sustainable supply chains. His work involves developing decision support tools for transportation, inventory management, capacity management and assortment planning with particular applications in retailing, consumer goods industries and health care systems.
Professor Hübner studied Business Administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt where he also completed his doctoral studies and Assistant Professor. He then moved to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he was an Associate Professor at the MIT’s Luxembourg Centre of Logistics. Before he moved to the TUM, he led the Institute of Supply Chain Management at the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel. Furthermore, he worked as project manager for six years at McKinsey & Company. He is leading the EURO Working Group on Retail Operations. Further, he is a member of the advisory board of the German Logistics association (BVL).
- Top-50 in the economist ranking of WirtschaftsWoche (2020)
- Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper in the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (2019)
- Advisory Board of German Logistics Association (Bundesvereinigung Logistik) (2018)
- Editor-in-Chief of Logistics Research (2018)
- Guest Editor at Journal of Operations Management (2021), European Journal of Operational Research (2019 & 2020) and OR Spectrum (2017)
- Bianchi-Aguiar, T., Hübner, A., Carravilla, M. A. & J. F. Oliveira: “Retail Shelf Space Planning Problems: A Comprehensive Review and Classification Framework European Journal of Operational Research”. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020. Abstract
- Hübner, A., Schäfer, F. & K. Schaal: “Maximizing Profit via Assortment and Shelf-Space Optimization for Two-Dimensional Shelves”. Production and Operations Management. 2020. Abstract
- Hübner A, Walther M, Kuhn H: “Combining clinical departments and wards in maximum-care hospitals”. OR Spectrum. 2018; 40: 679–709. Abstract
- Hübner, A. & M. Ostermeier: “A multi-compartment vehicle routing problem with loading and unloading costs”. Transportation Science. 2018; 53 (1): 282-300. Abstract
- Hübner A, Wollenburg J, Holzapfel A: “Retail logistics in the transition from multi-channel to omni-channel”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 2016; 46(6/7): 562-583. Abstract
Profile and image extracted from TUM website.