What is needed to translate an innovation in technology into a commercially viable product?” This is the most common question that comes to the minds of innovators, aspiring entrepreneurs, research administrators, and economic agencies. We seek to answer this through the TIM model, in which TIM is an acronym for technology, intellectual property rights and market.
The unique selling point (USP) of the TIM model lies at the intersection of all three areas. An idea having an USP is often a major requirement for successful commercialization. In this workshop, participants will be trained to work out the USP using the toolkit provided in the hands-on session. The key purpose of this toolkit is to break down, structure and present the appearing problems or questions within the TIM model. Catchy and intuitive examples based on real ideas/inventions will be used throughout the workshop.

This workshop aims to introduce to seminar participants to various aspects of the commercialization of ideas as part of a startup. Thereby, the path from an idea from scratch to the product itself and its commercialization is described using a theoretical model and a corresponding practical toolkit. This allows the participants to gain a structured and convenient insight into the topic.

  • Civil servants dealing with issues on Intellectual Patents, Law and Trade
  • Researchers from academic institutions and research institutes
  • Staff from commercialization offices in both the public and private sectors


The course will be jointly taught by Prof. Alexander Koch and Mr Gerd Zimmermann. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander W. Koch is the Chair of Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), with various research interests in areas such as optomechatronic measurement technology, laser measurement systems and optical fiber sensors. Prof. Koch is also an active entrepreneur. Mr Gerd Zimmermann is a a qualified European and German Patent Attorney, and holds a diploma (equivalent to a Masters) in physics. He prepared and prosecuted many cases in the field of nanotechnology, medical technology, automation and electron optics. Mr. Zimmermann completed part of his training as a patent attorney at the German Patent Office, the Federal Patent Court and the District Court of Munich, and has conducted assessments and visualizations of larger patent portfolios at various companies.

17 and 18 November 2016
9am – 5pm
$1,400 (before GST); $1,498 (after GST)
Singaporeans & PRs enjoy subsidy from e2i: $1,160 (before GST); $1241.20 (after GST)
NTUC members are eligible to apply for UTAP funding of $250.
This course is endorsed and supported by e2i.
SIT@SP Building, 510 Dover Road
Level 5
Singapore 139660

Applications close on 15 November 2016

Registration is now closed.

If you have a question, please contact:
Office of Executive Development
Technische Universität München Asia (TUM Asia)
Tel No. : +65 6777 7407
Email : exd@tum-asia.edu.sg

Topics covered Trainer
Day 1 AM    Interaction of Intellectual Property and Technology: theory and practice(Introduction to the TIM model – Technology -> Market -> IP)  Mr. Gerd Zimmermann
Day 1 PM    Interaction of Intellectual Property and Market: theory and practice(the TIM toolkit; use of the toolkit in sample scenarios)  Mr. Gerd Zimmermann& Prof. Alexander Koch
Day 2 AM    Fundamentals of Patent Systems(European Patent System, International Patent Cooperation Treaty)  Prof. Alexander Koch& Mr Gerd Zimmermann
Day 2 PM    The Patent Value Chain(Idea -> Search -> Product)  Prof. Alexander Koch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander W. Koch is the Chair of Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology at Technische Universität München (TUM). The research activities of Prof. Koch include optomechatronic measurement technology, laser measurement systems, optical fiber sensors, holographic speckle interferometry, image and sensor data processing, FTIR spectroscopy, environmental monitoring, multisensory systems and medical measuring systems. He studied electrical engineering and information technology at TUM and obtained his doctorate at Universität der Bundeswehr München in 1988. From 1988 to 1992, he was a research fellow at the Max Planck Society – Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics. He completed his lecturer qualification in electrophysics in 1992. In the same year, he accepted the position of professor of measurement science at Saarland University. Prof. Koch has been full professor of measurement systems and sensor technology at TUM since 1998. His teaching covers the fields of sensor technology, photonic measurement systems and laser measurement systems. In addition to his academic activities, Prof. Koch is an active entrepreneur.


Mr. Gerd Zimmermann holds a diploma of physics and is a qualified European and German Patent Attorney. During his university years, Mr. Zimmermann specialized in solid state physics. After graduating, he worked as a research assistant in a low temperature laboratory where he constructed an electrical engine with superconducting bearings for driving a liquid helium pump. Mr. Zimmermann spent a year at the University of Paris where he conducted experiments in the field of sound transmission which involved carrier wave modulation. He has acquired expertise in electromechanics and the properties of new materials. During his career as patent attorney he has prepared and prosecuted many cases in the field of nanotechnology, medical technology, automation and electron optics. Mr. Zimmermann completed part of his training as a patent attorney at the German Patent Office, the Federal Patent Court and the District Court of Munich. For various companies he conducted assessments and visualizations of larger patent portfolios. Mr. Zimmermann has participated in numerous opposition and nullity proceedings before the German and European Patent Courts.

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German Institute of Science & Technology - TUM Asia Pte Ltd
CPE Reg. No. 200105229R | Registration Period 13.06.2023 to 12.06.2029

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