Visit of Bavarian State Parliament to TUM CREATE

19 March 2015

On 19th March 2015, members of the Bavarian State Parliament visited Singapore to better understand Singapore’s education landscape. This was to enable them to look for ways to increase or better cooperation between the state of Bavaria and the government of Singapore.

Their first visit for the day was held at TUM CREATE. TUM Asia and TUM CREATE were two of their stops here, as Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) is the first successful German university that engaged in multiple cooperation projects with Singapore. The two organizations shared their history and background and it was very fascinating for the delegation to witness the achievements of a German university, which overcame cultural and geographical differences and internationalised itself.

TUM Asia was set up in 2002 and now has 13 years of experience being an overseas campus of a German university. During the session, the delegation discussed the different teaching methods between Germany and Singapore and how TUM Asia takes steps to overcome them. They also found out more about the how the Singapore subsidiary is run, the student profile and its success factors. Moreover, upon knowing that a significant number of graduates from TUM Asia work in Germany, the delegation suggested the possibility of attracting good students from Asia to Bavarian companies, which would therefore benefit the Bavarian industry.

The delegation will also be visiting the Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE), the National Research Foundation (NRF), and the German European School Singapore.


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