The aviation industry is constantly evolving as new trends and technologies shape an ever-changing landscape. The industry is challenged to innovate, reassess their business functions and constantly adapt to changing consumer needs.

Over the years, the strong reputation of Singapore being a global air hub is not without the development of its maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), manufacturing and other aerospace-related services. The vibrant aerospace R&D landscape in Singapore allows companies to leverage industry-inclined research institutes and universities as well as a growing pool of research talent to enhance their manufacturing and MRO activities through innovation.

Can we draw concepts from nature to develop our aerospace systems? What new innovations and challenges are there in Engine Technology? The upcoming Speaker Series will address these questions.

Details of the Session
Date:     15 September 2015, Tuesday
Time:     3pm – 6pm (Refreshments will be served)
Venue:   SIT@SP Building (510 Dover Road #05-01 Singapore 139660)
Fee:       Complimentary

Who should attend?
Aerospace Engineering professionals, Aircraft Design Engineers, academics, researchers and students. Open to members of the public who work or study in related fields of Aerospace Engineering.

Registration has closed. If you would like to attend the session, kindly write in to us at

3:00pm – Registration

3:15pm – Opening Address by the Singapore German Embassy & German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

3:30pm“Mechanical aerospace systems adapting to different operational conditions – What can we learn from nature?” by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier, Technische Universität München(TUM)
Chair, Lightweight Structures (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

4:00pm – Q&A

4:10pm – Session by Dr. Florian Doetzer, Composite Cluster Singapore, Managing Director

4:40pm – Q&A

4:50pm – Session 3

5:20pm – Q&A

5:30pm – Tea & Networking Session

6:00pm – End of Session

“Mechanical aerospace systems adapting to different operational conditions – what can we learn from nature?”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
Technische Universität München
Chair, Lightweight Structures (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Mechanical (aerospace) systems are usually designed for more or less fixed operational conditions resulting into more or less fixed designs. But since conditions change during the system’s operations, it is then only natural to also consider highly adaptive or morphing systems which more properly respond to these, thus increasing the system’s efficiency. To overcome the inherent difficulties if not contradiction of such technologies for ease of morphing on the one side and on the other side for satisfying stringent requirements during each morphing state, different R&D activities will be presented for future aeronautical and space applications and some other areas as well. Since nature also adapts to changing “operational” conditions, it is worthwhile to consider possible transfers of relevant biological concepts to such technical approaches.

“Advances in Composite Materials”

Dr. Florian Doetzer
Composite Cluster Singapore
Managing Director

Although composite materials have a long history in Aerospace, the adoption of composite materials for primary structures and disruptive innovations in composites manufacturing spilling over from other industries represent significant advances in technology. The presentation will highlight the context of these developments and indicate key technologies in the areas of design engineering, automation and repair.

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German Institute of Science & Technology - TUM Asia Pte Ltd
CPE Reg. No. 200105229R | Registration Period 13.06.2023 to 12.06.2029

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