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German Institute of Science & Technology – TUM Asia (TUM Asia) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) signed MOU for composites research.

During the JEC Asia Conference & Exhibition, the German Institute of Science and Technology – TUM Asia (TUM Asia) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to pursue research in fibre composite technologies.

The purpose of the collaboration is to provide the industries within the Asia Pacific region, an opportunity in using fibre composite as a high performance material. It also aims to bring into the region new processing techniques, design and simulation methods as well as test and material characterization technologies for fibre composites that are available in Europe and Germany respectively. The partnership between TUM Asia and SP would bring about an academic collaboration of knowledge and expertise, offering the industry thought leadership and act as a regional resource centre for the advancement of the fibre composite industry.

For more information, kindly contact Dr Florian Doetzer at

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German Institute of Science & Technology - TUM Asia Pte Ltd
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