Cybersecurity is experiencing exponential growth as an industry. This has created alarming concerns for people and businesses that are reliant on technology. Recent high-profile cyberattacks, information security breaches and privacy issues have captured the world’s attention on topics surrounding data protection, encryption and surveillance like never before. With an increasing level of data leakage from governments, businesses, families and individuals, understanding new cyber defences and strategies is now imperative. As technology is evolving at an astounding rate, cyber threats are evolving fast too.

How do we protect our cyber physical systems against cyber-attacks? How can Singapore do better to defend ourselves in our IP-reliant city-state? The upcoming session of this Speaker Series will address these questions.

Details of the Session
Date:     4 August 2015, Tuesday
Time:     3pm – 6pm (Refreshments will be served)
Venue:   SIT@SP Building (510 Dover Road #05-01 Singapore 139660)
Fee:       Complimentary

Who should attend?
IT professionals, cyber security & digital forensics professionals, academics and students. Open to public.

Registration has closed. If you would like join us for the session today, kindly email us at

3:00pm – Registration

3:15pm – Opening Address by the German Embassy & German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

3:30pm – “Secure Embedded Systems for the Internet of Things” by Prof. Georg Sigl, Technische Universität München, Chair, Security in Information Technology

4:00pm – Q&A

4:10pm – “Cyber Security Strategies for Singapore” by Bryce Boland, FireEye Inc., Chief Technology Officer, Asia Pacific

4:40pm – Q&A

4:50pm – Sharing by Philipp Mundhenk, TUM CREATE, Research Associate, Embedded Systems

5:20pm – Q&A

5:30pm – Tea & Networking Session

6:00pm – End of Session

“Secure Embedded Systems for the Internet of Things”
Prof. Georg Sigl, Technische Universität München
Chair, Security in Information Technology

The Internet of Things will enable a ubiquitous connectivity between the physical world and the cyber space. Embedded Systems form the interface between these two worlds. They are a key component for the security and safety of these new cyber physical systems. In order to protect the cyber physical systems against cyber-attacks the embedded systems must be hardened against both hardware and software attacks. The talk will give an insight about research on new attacks on embedded systems and innovative technologies which will improve the protection of embedded systems.

“Cyber Security Strategies for Singapore”
Bryce Boland, FireEye Inc.
Chief Technology Officer, Asia Pacific

As the non-stop headlines remind us, cyber breaches are the new normal. Who is behind the attacks on Singapore organizations? What do they want? Who do they target? And what can organizations do to better defend themselves? In our IP-reliant city-state, securing information is critical to economic competitiveness and national security. This presentation will shed light on today’s cyber threats and provide strategies for organizations to detect and respond to intrusions before they become victims.

“Cyber Security in Automotive Networks”
Philipp Mundhenk, TUM CREATE
Research Associate, Embedded Systems

Vehicles have evolved to interconnected devices in the Internet of Things. Their internal networks, however, have grown over time and have not been designed with the security in mind that these interconnections require. This talk will give an overview over the current state of security in vehicles, the challenges that engineers face today and an outlook on possible solutions.

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